Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Come to our virtual protest in Lively - STARTING NOW

This post is scheduled to appear at 2:10 pm on the day of our protest. To join us, come to our Lively protest room which looks like the Googleplex in Mountain View.

We LOVE Google but we want them to keep Lively alive!!


Unknown said...

my name is yves gregg lorenzo palada a student from the philippines.we here in claret school of Quezon city are also protesting against the shutting down of google lively.
Because this is my 1st time see this kind of chat room. I haven't explored much in this chat room but, I also want to show this chat room to other people esspecially to my classmates,family & relatives. So please google don't Shut down livley this year of 2008

made by,
Yves Gregg L. Palada

James said...

My name is James Patrick Sison from Phil. I am a Student in Claret School of Quezon City
I want to preserve Lively because it is all for us ...............

Unknown said...

my name is Yves Gregg Lorenzo Palada I'm a student from the Philippines in claret school of qurzon city.I want to make a protest about the shutting down of google lively because I want to explore more about this chatroom. If I already know to operate this chatroom, I would show this chatroom to other people that includes my classmates, freinds, family & relatives. So please google dont shut down lively.

made by,
Yves Gregg Lorenzo Palada

dreamer2032 said...
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dreamer2032 said...

Thank you for your support. We appreciate everyone from your class that is helping the protest. Stay Alively!