Lively is a place to learn and think on the internet It helps kids that normally aren't cool at school to feel better about themselves. We used it for
educatonal purposes to learn about virtual life . It helped us to be better people online and do things right and set an example for other kids online to . It shows us how to use digital citizenship and to teach others how to .Its not write for people to be able to do anything online .
This is my creation of my avatar . she is the singer for our lively video even though its a boys voice .The reason why i created a girl is that she was the only avatar that could hold the microphone
Effective blogging is the right way to blog and to make it safe and effective . It makes people want to come back for more and it makes the viewer look more into the topic . The way to effectively blog is to leave the viewer a way to effectively answer the question you are asking .Blog post are about making people learn about what you are talking about and getting your point across .
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