Friday, January 2, 2009

Reflecting on Digiteen

This is Sydnee's Reflection on Digiteen

I have learned many things this year on our Digiteen project. I was assigned a topic that I had never really thought about before, digital literacy. Although I focused primarily on the middle school and high school section, I learned from every part of the wiki. When I started this project I was not sure what digital literacy was, and I know the meaning of the word and how it applies to all people in everyday life. I used the internet to help me locate information on my topic. The main source I used was Wikipedia. I also used Google .Tinsley and I also found a video on Youtube about digital literacy and added that on our wiki page.

-I really enjoyed the people I worked with. The most frustrating part was that we could never actually meet with the members of our group face to face. Tinsley was a huge help to me in many ways. Without her help, I would not have gotten to get so much accomplished in this project. I left some messages on the wiki discussion tab, but it was hard for me to tell if anyone was seeing them because other schools were not working on the wiki at that point in our project. I think everyone in our group tried to contribute to every aspect of the wiki. Tinsley and I started the wiki and posted our information quite a while before anyone else did, but others helped us edit and add information to our areas of the wiki as well as others.

- I used a PLN everyday when I got on my Igoogle page. This page was very helpful because I could access the digiteen ning, the digiteen wiki, our digiteen calendar,and our digiteen Diigo group.This page also helped me some with my information. I could know what was going on my page of the wiki because I had the discussion forum on my Igoogle page. This was very helpful because it kept me organized throughout the project.My Diigo bookmarks were very helpful. I have looked at them and found some good information from them.

- Our part of the ninth grade class did a really cool action project. We created a virtual world on Google Lively and are using that virtual world to teach others about the nine aspects of digital citizenship. We have nine superheros for the nine aspects of digital citizenship and three villains. The villains are going to try to get everyone else to do behave badly on the internet.Now we are planning lessons so we can teach them all the nine aspects of digital citizenship, and how to behave on the internet correctly. Our lessons are primarily focused on middle school aged students. These students we have selected are at the age right now where behavior for the internet is very useful. For example, some of the students we are teaching right now did not know that using all capital letters meant that you were yelling. Our goal is to help them to understand how to behave on the internet and use it appropriately.

- Our team has not yet completed our project, but I think it will be very affective and it could possibly be used in the future.I think that since these students will be learning hands on that they will learn easier and possibly remember more. At this point in time, I think that our project will accomplish what we want it to. The members on my team will do anything to help the other students in our school learn.

- If we could improve our project in anyway I would do one thing. I think instead of having us all in one room at one time, we could spread out. I think that this makes the it harder to keep all the students to stay focused because it can be overwhelming to be learning something new and have nine to twelve people moving around the room and talking. I think it would have been better if we would have had three people in the room one week at a time or split up the seventh grade and have them each stay with two or three people and go to a room with them.

-There were many people on our team who did a phenomenal job. Tyler R. created many different rooms on Lively and they all looked amazing. Trent and Miller took control and explained Lively to everyone. Hope and Jordan helped everyone stay organized, took notes, and just went and helped where they were needed. Everyone else in the class helped wherever they were needed and when ever.

-I think digital citizenship should be discussed in schools around the world. One of the problems with us today is that we do not know the simple aspects of digital citizenship.I think children that are in middle school should be educated on digital citizenship and what it is.I think that many topics of digital citizenship should be discussed.I definitely think that digital security and safety, etiquette, digital law,and rights and responsibilities should be discussed. As the children mature, I think it would be more fitting to add topics like digital literacy, health and wellness, digital access, digital communication, and digital commerce.

-I have learned many things from this project that I can take with me. I have learned about digital literacy. When I first started this project I did not even know what digital literacy was or how it applied to my everyday life.I have also learned how much easier things go with teamwork. I have learned how lucky I am to have such great classmates who are willing to help me in any way possible or at any time.I am so glad that I have had this opportunity to interact with people from all over the world and learn about digital citizenship and what it is.

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