Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Word to Dreamers

Message to my dreamers from your teacher:

Digiteen Dream Team
You are a blessing to me,
Not just dreaming but
speaking so eloquently!

Setting goals
being unafraid to try
Not just acting
you have made me fly.

You live your dreams
you see a vision
for what things need to be

Not leaving home
you've traveled the world
and are making history.

As part of a new generation
that learns and speaks
while enmeshed in a new web.

Engaged you are,
quiet you're not
teaching with thought & just a little bit of reb

Take us to a new place
that you envision in your mind
Teach us, share with us
blog on this place

You special special group of kids
so dear and unafraid to try
we shall launch into unknown worlds
never be afraid to fly.

For sometimes we land
and sometimes we fall
and yet, it is still worth trying for tryings sake

for we know that failure only goes for
you never hit the shot you never take!

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